I was going to write some elaborate post about all the exciting things that have happened in the past month, but the words are not flowing as easily as I would have liked them to. The general gist goes like this: I moved into a new home, which I am totally loving. I began school at IU, which was... a process. [aka, Indiana University hates transfer students.] I am thrilled about the classes and teachers I do have, although it is only four. I am
not used to having so few classes, but I think it will still be a good amount of work. My teachers are all very enthusiastic and knowledgeable, and they really want to share what they know. Besides new classes, I am working more shifts at the co-op now. Plus I get to do fun stuff all the time.
The art community here is outstanding. I went to an IU faculty art exhibition opening last night.
Mind blown. There was just incredible work, and seeing that made me even happier to be in the place I am.
I am still enjoying Bloomington very much, although winter is upon us, and it is getting somewhat gloomy. I also had a rather traumatic experience involving a pick up truck and me on my bicycle - in the pitch black dark that Bloomington is at night. It is one of those things that still scares me and has created an unfortunate amount of paranoia, but is positive in other aspects - one of those being the empowerment I felt from the kick-ass ladies who came to my emotional rescue with Candyland and a homemade mace holster. These things.
C'est la vie.