March 24, 2012

End phase 1.

My spring break consisted of pre-wedding planning and wrapping up the documentation process of all the large images from my time at MIAD. That was a huge project, and I am so so so grateful to my dad for helping me with that! Between spring break and the arrival of this amazing weather, I am struggling still to get back into the swing of class work. Hello, crunch time.. Everything is fine.

March 19, 2012

Self-Portrait Monotype.

Circa 2010, from a self-portrait series I did with Rina Yoon at MIAD.

March 2, 2012

'Absurdities in Life' Monoprints.

This is the second series I did in my screen printing class with Chris Dacre at IU. I cannot tell you how much I struggled with myself and my brain while drawing and printing these.  I have a relationship with drawing that varies from pure love, to embarrassment, to sarcasm.  That is probably a lot better than always being static, but take this as my disclaimer for the days I hate looking at these.


I will say that I have never had a critique quite like the one I had for these - where I was smiling and laughing the whole time.  I got so much positivity from that critique, contrasting my inward struggle with what I was physically doing.

Art is not just about the artist, but hugely about the viewer.  Sometimes I have a hard time understanding that until I share it.  Nevertheless, this project ended with a bunch of good conversations and even some references to South Park.

I'll take it!