October 5, 2013

Family Matters Show.

Memorial to my Great Grandparents
Relief Print on Canvas

Silkscreen Print on Muslin

I make imagery of my family as a way to connect with them.  When dialogue fails in communication, delineation can certainly succeed.

In disspatch, the text that makes the mark of the portrait comes from letters written by the woman represented in it - my grandmother.  Writing letters within my family has not just been a form of communication.  For me, it has become an important instrument for storing memories past.

What I have left in regard to my deceased great-grandparents is only the ability to recall.  Included in Memorial to My Great-Grandparents is the little that I can personally relate to them.  These memories have been made tangible through contact between my blade and wood, and the prints create connection to those in my present life through visual stimulation of recollection.

March 24, 2013

you guys.

I'm feeling weird. My computer is so full of stuff that I have been going through and deleting unnecessary files, only to find my high school senior self portrait I did for my painting teacher, Mr. Jackson.

I haven't looked at this stuff in so long -

Patience, process, progress.
Working on it.

March 5, 2013



001, a 7x11" silk screen print and first of many experiments with creating depth with added values and layering.

February 21, 2013

Blueberry Muffins!

Because you shouldn't have to feel the blues when you can eat them instead.

2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup non-dairy milk
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 cups blueberries

Preheat the oven to 400°F and line or lightly grease your muffin tin.
Combine flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice in a medium-sized bowl.
In another bowl, mix together the milk, sugar, oil, and vinegar; then combine wet and dry ingredients.
Fold in the blueberries with a spatula. 
Bake for 20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean, and let the muffins cool for at least 5 minutes.

My favorite.

A Portrait of Betsy.

I was given the opportunity to create a 'portrait' of my buddy Betsy Stout in our screenprinting class.  I was pleased to incorporate things easily associated with her: coffee, pet rats, and really pink pink.  A little goofy and way too fun.

February 14, 2013


On that list of goals I previously mentioned is included, "Print like I draw."  This is getting me on my way to being a happier printmaker.  I have always had a disconnect between drawing and printmaking - printing seeming more precious, in a way.  You work an image for so long, while a drawing can be done and done quickly.  This idea is extremely internal, however the mental block hindered my work and well-being significantly.  I have finally come to the understanding that now that I have learned the skills of printmaking, I can make art.

On that note, I finished this 4x4" relief on Wednesday night, starting around 9:00 pm and staying at the shop until 1:30 am.  Carving is so fun, printing can be the opposite.  Once I got into it, though, I was finally excited to be doing it again.  

I sliced my thumb open while doing some touch ups that night, only to find that none of the first aid kits in the shop have regular sized band aids. Facepalm.  Though very frustrating, it reminded me of my freshman and sophomore year when I had insomnia and stayed at school until late, late hours.  I cut myself so many times while carving wood, so Wednesday altogether reminded me of the past: routinely motivated, upset, excited, and productive. I photoboothed the bags under my eyes to remember this.

Exhibit A
BUT, after a very down and unmotivated last several months, I'M BACK.  Doin' stuff.  Catch you guys on the flip side.

February 11, 2013


Here is a recent blind contour self portrait from my sketchbook. One of my favorites. 

February 6, 2013

Drawing Erin.

Last night was a good hang out with a good buddy. Weird drawings happened!

draw and drink and laugh and hold your chin up

February 1, 2013

My Spring 2013

list of goals has officially been started. It includes a few specifics that relate to how I am going to approach my artwork, and also how I handle myself in relation to the people and happenings around me.  I am working on having a positive mindset and fulfilling actions that push toward that.  These seem like continuous issues which I have a hard time solving, but I am (once again) figuring out my endgame - at least as far as school goes.

This week I stayed with this love pup / old man Potter while my friend was out of town. He used to be my neighbor dog and hasn't changed much since I knew him as a kid.  He is such a lover and a true puppy at heart.  It was nice to have a week away from my apartment and even better to have a live soul to exchange company with.  We went on a few adventures and had a couple play dates, as well.

Here is his sweet face!

I have been mad sick this week, so I feel a little off and behind.  I am on the mend, however, and am  ready to continue kicking booty this semester and climb this section of the wave of life.

Until next time..